Animations / stuck-underbelly

Stuck on the underbelly

Assets and Sources


Materials & Textures

  • Sourced from data files in Psudeoregalia.


  • The Underbelly background music, sourced from data files in Psudeoregalia.

Development and Notes

"Oh, it's been 4 months since the last animation. I have to make something."

This was the sentence that kept nagging my head before and during the production of this animation. I was finally done with development of an e-commerce store that I was commissioned to create which I cannot disclose because of NDAs (horray), but it took quite a bit of time, and I just wanted to return to animation as it is one of my sources of inspiration, comfort and creativity.

Just a week prior to finishing that site, I wanted to at least make something so I didn't forget my shortcuts on blender, so I did a quick Sybil animation where she walks down a long corridor on the castle. I shelved it however as I thought it was stale, and my focus shifted back on that work.

Once I was done with the store, I started thinking about what to make of this animation, should be it something new? Maybe something that isn't NSFW cause it can get boring making them all of the time? What about an animation on Sybil since I somewhat promised a full-length thing before on my socials? Oh, that...

As a way to bridge the gap on that potential full-length... thing, I opted to make a Psudeoregalia animation instead. So I immediately started by opening the game and choosing a location to create the scene. I ended up with the Underbelly, which I believe is the lowest level in the castle? Anyways, that was chosen and I started taking screenshots.

Development began at 3:06 pm, as I saved the fSpy project file that contained the perspective data to start creating the background elements for the scene. Once that was done, I started doing the blocking for the stage, and fetch the materials for the game. This meant datamining the game to get the actual textures and sounds.